Get out the tissues. Dr. Liz shares her own birth story, how HynoBirthing helped her both before, during, and after her birth. You also get to practice the 4-8 breath and hear how it's done.
In case you're pregnant, and don't want to hear birth stories that end in cesarean, please note that both of Dr. Liz's births ended in cesarean. Jump to 13:00 to hear about the HypnoBirthing 4-8 breath and the take-aways.
*The explicit rating is due to talking about orgasmic birth.
The two massage therapists who are mentioned are Mary Lou DiNicholas and Holly Reeves 954-802-3292.
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If you’re a prenatal yoga teacher and want to have Dr. Liz's system that she used to build her classes to full with a waiting list, visit
Dr. Liz's book:
Natalie was a 25-year-old mother completely unprepared for and terrified of childbirth. A friend sent her a custom hypnosis for childbirth that she listened to during her pregnancy. During her birth, her doula (a birth support person) kicks out a nurse and she forgets everything she learned in Lamaze. Listen in to find out what happened.
Dr. Liz also talks about prenatal yoga and how it fits in with HypnoBirthing.
Natalie's a La Leche League International Leader. LLL is mother to mother, free breastfeeding support. Visit them and find a meeting at
If you’re interested in becoming a prenatal yoga teacher, visit
If you’re already a prenatal yoga teacher and want to have Dr. Liz's system that she used to build her classes to full with a paid waiting list, visit
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For a free hypnosis for a better pregnancy, visit
Dr. Liz's book:
Dr. Liz's FB page:
A 4 hour non-medicated, painless (yes, painless!) birth even with an induction??? She must be lying! Stacey Horn, certified hypnotist and coach in Colorado, became pregnant at the age of 42. She shares her experience with HypnoBirthing and how it helped her reduce anxiety during her pregnancy and led to a 4 hour painless birth. Dr. Liz interviews her about how she became trained in HypnoBirthing and how she uses it in her practice to help other women feel more deeply connected to their babies and their partners during birth.
She also talks quite a bit about Hypnosis for Fertility. The book she recommends is "It's Conceivable" by Lynsi Eastburn.
Dr. Liz also talks about prenatal yoga and how it fits in with HypnoBirthing.
To find a HypnoBirthing class by you, visit
Stacey Horn can be found at
If you’re a prenatal yoga teacher and want to have more prenatal yoga students, visit
If you’re interested in becoming a prenatal yoga teacher, visit
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See more about Dr. Liz and get a Free hypnosis for a better pregnancy at
Dr. Liz's book:
Dr. Liz's FB page:
Dr. Liz kicks off the month of love with a fantastic interview with Dr. Vivian Keeler, Vice-President of the Institute of HypnoBirthing. Dr. Keeler explains what HypnoBirthing is and what kind of birth a woman and her baby can have. She shares her own journey to becoming a HypnoBirthing instructor, child birth educator, and opening her own Women's Wellness Center in South Florida that includes HypnoBirthing classes, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, yoga, and doula services.
Dr. Keeler gives options to find a class or what to do if there’s not a class by you. She also talks about how to find a care provider that matches the type of birth you want.
HypnoBirthing is in 46 countries around the world. To find a HypnoBirthing class by you, visit
For classes and more with Dr. Keeler in her new Women’s Wellness Center in South Florida, visit
For a free hypnosis for a better pregnancy, visit
See more show notes at
Dr. Liz's book:
Dr. Liz's FB page: